
The One Item of Clothing Katharine McPhee Isn’t Daring Enough To Wear

Katharine McPhee
VSummers/Splash News Online

Katharine McPhee has the guts to sing in front of thousands of people, but she just can’t seem to work up the courage to step out wearing a certain trend.

“I love those really short, short shorts…the high-waisted ones everyone’s wearing,” she says, but adds, “I’m not quite daring enough.”

She admited that she does have a pair in her arsenal, though. So why hasn’t she broken them out yet? “Mine are a little bit too short!” she told PEOPLE magazine at Tide’s unveiling of its artistic rendition on the American flag in Bryant Park in N.Y.C. on Tuesday.

The Smash star — who performed at the Tide event wearing a white jumpsuit by The Hellers, a light pink Theonne blazer and red Brian Atwood pumps (left) — says New York (where her television show is shot) is constantly inspiring her.

“I love the sheer trend that’s going on right now. You can wear a sheer t-shirt with a cool bra underneath — obviously covering everything — but I love that you can do that in New York,” she revealed. “You actually kind of have to because it’s so bloody hot here in the summer!”

As far as her personal style goes, McPhee says her look is always evolving.”I sometimes go back between the Lower East Side, like grungy, hipster,” she said. “And sometimes, like today, I’ll wear a 60’s-inspired jumpsuit with big heels.”

—Jennifer Cress

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