Movies News

The Week in Original Content: 32 Columns and Features

Mandy Lane

Monday, August 15th

8 Great…Evil Next Door Neighbors by David Ehrlich

Movie/Gamer: Big Hollywood Names in Video Games by Jenni Miller

Jonathan Levine Updates Us on ‘All the Boys Love Mandy Lane’: Will We Ever See It? by Erik Davis

‘The Hobbit’ Countdown: The End of Middle-earth Cinema by Larry D. Curtis

Fest Focus: Toronto, Telluride, and Venice — A Primer by Peter Martin

Billy Crystal

Tuesday, August 16th

Reel Men: Paul Kersey Doles Out a ‘Death Wish’ by Brian Salisbury

Director Jonathan Levine on How ‘Warm Bodies’ is More Like ‘Star Wars’ Than ‘Twilight’ by Erik Davis

Buy Me, Rent Me, Forget Me: A Priest, a Dude and a Carpenter by Robert B. DeSalvo

The Conversation: Should Brett Ratner Scratch Billy Crystal’s Oscar Itch? by Christopher Campbell

‘Superman: The Man of Steel’ Countdown: Phone Booth Confidential by Jeffrey Taylor

When Can I Watch ‘Spy Kids’ With My Kids? by Sean O’Connell


Wednesday, August 17th

The Women of ‘Conan the Barbarian’ by Alison Nastasi

DVD Obscura: Kevin Kline in French? Oui! Oui! by Alonso Duralde

Raising a Cinephile: How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love Disney Junior by Scott Neumyer

10 Must See Films at the 2011 New York Film Festival by David Ehrlich

The Conversation: Should Disney and Depp Dump ‘The Lone Ranger’? by Christopher Campbell

Short Rounds: Beat the Heat with Some Icy Cinema by Daniel Walber

Indie Insights: New Zealand’s ‘Boy,’ Racing With ‘Senna,’ Forgotten War in ‘Amigo,’ Two Gangs Rob the Same Bank in ‘Flypaper’ (Trailer) by Peter Martin

Thursday, August 18th

‘The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn’ Countdown: The Changing Look of The Twilight Saga by Laura Byrne-Cristiano

Best/Worst Movie Promos Of The Week: Pant-less Cats Stand No Chance Against Clowns Packing Heat by Perri Nemiroff

Dialogue: ‘Conan the Barbarian’s Jason Momoa is a Sensitive, Artsy Ass-Kicker by Todd Gilchrist

Dialogue: Anton Yelchin, Christopher Mintz-Plasse and Dave Franco Laugh It Up Talking ‘Fright Night’ by Peter Hall

Girls on Film: Why ‘The Help’ Controversy Matters by Monika Bartyzel

Friday, August 19th

Alamo Drafthouse Event Brings Out Jason Momoa’s Inner Conan by John Gholson

International Trailer Domination Tour: Jet Li and Tsui Hark, South African Noir, French Cabaret and More by Todd Brown

The Weekend Rent: Fanged Funnies for Your Own ‘Fright Night’ by Robert B. DeSalvo

One Year Ago: Catching Up with ‘Vampires Suck,’ ‘The Switch’ and More by Eric D. Snider

The Last Horror Blog: ‘Darkness On the Edge of Town’ Beckons, ‘FD5’ Spoilery Discussion and Pudgy Pinhead by Peter Hall

Cine Latino: Hispanic Filmmakers Help Create ‘The Debt’ and ‘Apollo 18’; Glenn Close Awarded in Spain by Elisa Osegueda

The Conversation: Are People For or Against Ridley Scott Directing the ‘Blade Runner’ Follow-Up? by Christopher Campbell

A Fan’s Take on Superhero Summer 2011: Counting Down the Best Blockbusters by Chris Clow

InstaWatch Weekend: Aliens, Assassins and Lions, oh my! by Scott Weinberg

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