New Releases Movies

The Wild Bunch [Blu-ray]

The Wild Bunch [Blu-ray]

Director Sam Peckinpah’s film The Wild Bunch is a powerful tale of hang-dog desperados bound by a code of honor. It is said that The Wild Bunch rates as one of the all-time greatest Westerns, perhaps one of the greatest of all filmsHere’s how director Sam Peckinpah described his motivation behind The Wild Bunch at the time of the film’s 1969 release: “I was trying to tell a simple story about bad men in changing times. The Wild Bunch is simply what happens when killers go to Mexico. The strange thing is you feel a great sense of loss when these killers reach the end of the line.” All of these statements are true, but they don’t begin to cover the impact that Peckinpah’s film had on the evolution of American movies. Now the film is most widely recognized as a milestone event in the escalation of screen violence, but that’s a label of limited perspective. Of course, Peckinpah’s bloody climactic gunfight became a masterfully directed, photographed, and edited ballet of graphic violence th

Rating: (out of 248 reviews)

List Price: $ 14.98

Price: $ 6.80

