Movies News

This 'Justice League' Character Will Cameo in 'Suicide Squad'

Suicide Squad

We’re only one week away from the wide release of Suicide Squad and it’s safe to say that it’s the most anticipated movie of the month, if not the entire summer. It’s also a movie that has a lot riding on how audiences respond to it.

It’s the followup to Batman v Superman: Justice League, which audiences liked quite a bit more than critics. Worldwide, it’s made more than $872 million, though a fair number expressed reservations about the uber-serious tone of the movie. Suicide Squad promises to be a lighter adventure, even though it revolves around a group of less-familiar bad guys, but let’s not forget it’s an action movie from David Ayer, the director of intense war drama Fury. Watch the clip below featuring Will Smith for a hint of that dramatic tension.

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Smith stars as DC comic book character Deadshot and in this clip we get a sense of his wily manner of negotiating.

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Here’s another clip from earlier in the movie in which Rick Flag (Joel Kinnaman) lays down the rules for the newly-assembled group of bad guys. Both Smith and Margot Robbie sneak in some snarky retorts.

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As a reminder of a character who’s “really, really bad,” watch Jared Leto as the Joker.

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Again, though, the movie does feature a lighter tone, as is evident in this clip introducing Karen Fukuhara as Katana. Margot Robbie makes the encounter amusing.

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Suicide Squad stars a number of characters we haven’t seen before, but we’ve already heard that Batman (Ben Affleck) will be making an appearance. He’s not the only Justice League character who will be showing up in the movie, though. According to Variety, the Flash (Ezra Miller) will be featured, though we don’t know yet how the speedy superhero might fit into the story.

We won’t have to wait long. Suicide Squad will open in theaters on Friday, August 5. The Flash will costar in Justice League, due out on November 17, 2017 and the Flash solo movie will bow on March 16, 2018.

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