
Tina finds the guts to be quirky on a very special ‘Bob’s Burgers’

Sunday (Nov. 20) gave us not one, but two episodes of “Bob’s Burgers.” That alone should be looked upon as a special gift to ring in the holiday season. And it’s in the night’s second episode, titled “The Quirkducers,” that the Belcher kids are prepping for Thanksgiving break. And while it seems that Gene (Eugene Mirman) and Tina (Dan Mintz) are excited for the time off, Louise (Kristen Schaal) begins formulating a plan to get a half day leading up to the big holiday.

How will she get Mr. Frond (David Herman) to agree to such a request? Enter Tina and her latest work of erotic fiction. Yes, it involved a pig and some morbid vengeance. But, the bigger detail here was its Thanksgiving theme. Autobiographical, “The Quirky Turkey” turned out to be Tina’s way of dealing with that awful “Q” word.

Meeting with Mr. Frond, Louise, Tina and Gene convince the teacher to let them run this year’s play. After all, her play is “a metaphor for self-esteem and community.” What could go wrong? Everything.

bobs burgers quirkducers 1 Tina finds the guts to be quirky on a very special Bobs Burgers

Louise’s goal is simple: Bring the worst production possible to the stage and drive Mr. Frond to shut the whole thing down, sending the students home early to enjoy a pre-Thanksgiving break. But that half day became an even tougher prize to achieve once Tina discovered the secret plan.

RELATED: ‘Bob’s Burgers’: Tina Belcher finally rides a horse and it’s glorious

Retrieving bloody turkey innards from the local butcher shop, Louise enlisted Gene in her mission to spray gizzards and giblets from the fake turkey heads. As Gene put it so accurately, it’d be like “‘Carrie” meets Gallagher meets ‘Top Chef meets ‘Double Dare’.” That’s a pretty creative way to end a play, if you ask us!

bobs burgers 616 quirkducers Tina finds the guts to be quirky on a very special Bobs Burgers

Learning the rest of the students were into Louise’s half-day plan, Tina went along for the ride. But once those turkey heads exploded, Louise realized the error of her ways. Putting her own selfish desires aside, she faced Mr. Frond with the acceptance that a punishment is on the horizon. But, Tina had other plans.

Taking the stage to bring the play home, she used the gore around her to deliver an empowering message of body acceptance. While all the “decapitated hotties” lay dead around her, Tina found the “guts and glory” to move forward, finally happy in her own skin. Sure, the mission for a half-day was a failure, but there weren’t hard feelings to be had. It turns out being the quirky kid in school isn’t all that bad.

“Bob’s Burgers” airs Sundays at 7:30 p.m. ET/PT on FOX.

Category: Television
TV Shows: Bob’s Burgers
TV Networks: FOX

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