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‘True Blood’ Season 7, episode 6 recap: ‘Karma’ makes Sookie sentence another love to die

true-blood-season-7-episode-6-karma-hbo-bill.jpgThe race to whether or not Sookie and Bill can find true love with one another by the end of
“True Blood’s” run was accelerated in Season 7, episode 6 “Karma.” 

It turns out that not only is Bill infected with Hep-V, but Sookie was the one who infected him. To make matters worse, her fairy blood is causing the disease to spread inside him at a rapid rate, thus leading to a quicker death. Whoops!

But since it would be too tragic to lose both Eric and Bill to Hep-V by the end of Season 7, “Karma” also revealed the cure for the fatal disease: Sarah Newlin. Yes, the lovely Miss Sarah Newlin is the antidote for the same disease she concocted that has infected the entire world’s population. What’s that saying about karma being the B-word, again?

Now the question is whether or not Sarah will be able to serve as a cure for the vampire and human populations fast enough to save Bill. Hopefully we aren’t alone in hoping that the three people who learned Sarah is the antidote at the end of “Karma” — Eric, Pam and Mr. Gus Jr., the North American president of the Yakamoto Corporation — team up to bottle her blood and ship it around the world, leaving her die. That’s certainly the karma she deserves for wreaking this havoc upon the world.

But while “True Blood” can be cruel, it’s not that cruel. Instead, the karma in this situation is likely going to be that Eric and Gus can’t kill Sarah because she’s going to save them all. With that being anticipated, there still had better not be any redemption for her by series’ end. As much as we love Anna Camp, her character is a cockroach that needs to be stomped out.

While last week’s
“Return To Oz” was a high point in the characterizations of “True Blood’s” ensemble, “Karma” stumbled and fell in that department. From Adilyn and Wade’s sexual awakening to Lettie Mae and Lafayette’s joint V trip to Tara to Violet’s revenge-filled “breakup” with Jason, all the ancillary storylines fell flat after reaching such a high point last week. At least we can say we called Nicole wanting to peace out of Bon Temps, and reiterate that we hope Sam follows behind her.

There are only four episodes left for “True Blood” to tie up all of its loose ends, and chances are there will still be a couple messy resolutions amid many clean ones. (Please no Eric death, please no Eric death, please no Eric death.) With the arrival of a cure so soon after Bill’s diagnosis, we expect he and Sookie will get some sort of happy ending, even if it’s not an ever after sort of one.

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