Movies News

‘Two and a Half Men’: Gary Busey joins as a mental patient

gary-busey-getty.jpgWhen you think about it, there’s really no one better for this job.

Gary Busey is set to play himself in an upcoming episode in “Two and a Half Men.” The Hollywood Reporter says that Busey will play Alan’s (Jon Cryer) roommate in a sanitarium.

The basic set up is that Alan loses his marbles as he starts to come to terms with the death of his brother Charlie. At this point, Alan checks himself into a mental hospital where he’ll be roomies with Busey.

Busey is the perfect person to play the role of a mental patient. He’s had a checkered past including nearly overdosing on cocaine and enduring repeated arrests for battery and drug possession charges.

The episode airs Nov. 14 at 9 p.m. ET.

Photo/Video credit: Getty Images

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