
Why Jenny McCarthy Is Happy to be Honest About Hair Removal

Style News Now

12/19/2012 at 06:00 PM ET

Jenny McCarthyCourtesy Jenny McCarthy

Jenny McCarthy is single again — and isn’t shy about her plan for getting back into the game.

The actress was recently named a spokeswoman for the Tria Hair Removal Laser, an at-home system that allows women to zap unwanted hairs in private.

“I’m very honest and willing to open up about why women want to be hairless,” McCarthy tells PEOPLE. “So this was kind of the perfect fit.”

McCarthy says that when she first moved to L.A., she’d often visit doctor’s offices or aestheticians to have hair removed. “I loved it, but since then still have unwanted hairs in new areas,” McCarthy shares. “And I don’t have the time, or the brave face that I maybe used to, to go into an office, but I do want to be ready to go now that I’m single. Tria makes sense for me because it’s private, convenient and more affordable.”

Affordability has been key for McCarthy since she moved to the Chicago suburbs earlier this year; the actress says she’s been happy to spend less since uprooting to the Midwest. “People there don’t really get caught up in couture, so I’ve been saving a lot of money shopping at the mall versus shopping on Rodeo Drive,” she says. “It’s been nice in so many ways.”

In fact, she even finds herself dressing differently these days. “I think I’m dressing more for comfort than for style, and I notice that I’ve gone up a size in my jeans, and my clothes, and I’m alright with that — you need that winter weight,” she says.

Now busy with a job as a columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times, hosting duties with Ryan Seacrest in Times Square on New Year’s Eve and a talk show that debuts Feb. 8 on VH1, McCarthy says she’s quite happy, despite the hectic schedule. And as for leaving Hollywood behind? She says defiantly, “I miss nothing about Los Angeles.”

–Kate Hogan


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