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‘X Factor’: Marcus Canty diagnosed with tonsillitis and laryngitis; Singer will continue

marcus-canty-fox.jpgIf Marcus Canty’s performance of “I’m Going Down” on  “The X Factor” wasn’t up to snuff on Wednesday (Nov. 9), he has a pretty good reason. He was diagnosed with tonsillitis and laryngitis 24 hours before.

The 20-year-old singer says that he first noticed the problem during rehearsal earlier in the week. After a while, the pain got to the point that he decided it was best to see a doctor.

“All of a sudden my voice started really hurting really bad,” he says. Soon after, the doctor made the diagnosis.

Canty’s since been prescribed antibiotics and is encouraged to rest his voice whenever possible. But with “The X Factor” being a singing competition, he’s understandably nervous as to what this meant for his chances.

“At first I was scared. I was like, I don’t know how I’m going to get through this performance. But when those antibiotics kicked in…it helped me out,” he says with a noticeable strain in his voice. “I had to go out there and give it everything I got.”

We’ll find out Thursday (Nov. 10) whether what Canty delivered under these challenging circumstances is enough to get him to the next round.

Photo/Video credit: FOX

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