
A new Witness & an old Horseman turn everything on ‘Sleepy Hollow’ upside down —…

Friday’s (March 17) episode of “Sleepy Hollow” caught us off guard, revealing two major story twists: An unexpected character joined the fight as Team Witness fell apart before our eyes.

As Malcolm Dreyfuss (Jeremy Davies) continued his mission to resurrect the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, a mysterious thief snuck into the library and stole the Totem of War. This ain’t no ordinary gun. If gotten into the hands of Jobe (Kamar de los Reyes) and Malcolm, the supernatural tool would help them bring the Horseman of War to life.

Initially, we thought this woman was on Malcolm’s side — facing off against Jenny (Lyndie Greenwood) like it was no big thing. But then it dawned on us that she may very well be a suitable replacement to Mills. Abbie’s sister is obviously gearing up to head back out into the world and someone needs to step up to fill her role in the group.

sleepy hollow 411 janina gavankar lyndie greenwood1 A new Witness & an old Horseman turn everything on Sleepy Hollow upside down    and fantastic?!

Eventually, she introduced herself to Diana (Janina Gavankar) and Ichabod (Tom Mison) as Lara. But there was something odd about this woman we couldn’t put our fingers on: Aside from having ties to Malcolm, she exhibited some otherworldly skills — bending time at her will to thwart multiple attacks, for example.

Then, when we least expected it, “The Way of the Gun” threw a huge curveball into the mix: It turns out Lara traveled back in time to put the kibosh on Malcolm’s plan. Oh and ger this: Her name isn’t really Lara. It’s Molly (Oona Yaffe). Yes, that Molly. Diana’s daughter.

RELATED: Malcolm’s dystopian dream takes shape on ‘Sleepy Hollow’

While we’re still reeling from the revelation that young Molly grew up to become a time traveling bad*ss akin to Sarah Connor, her appearance here really helped to bring Malcolm’s future-world into focus. How dystopian do things actually get? We’re not sure. But the stakes have got to be pretty high for her to take this risk.

One twist down, one to go… And in the episode’s final moments, the second shoe dropped: Malcolm’s attempt at using the Totem of War on Diana failed. But his mission to bring the third Horsman to life did not. Ichabod took that bullet, jumping in its path to save Diana’s life. And as he burned away into oblivion, we suddenly realized the long game “Sleepy Hollow” has been playing.

sleepy hollow 409 janina gavankar oona yaffe A new Witness & an old Horseman turn everything on Sleepy Hollow upside down    and fantastic?!

Since the beginning of Season 4, we’ve worked with the knowledge that Molly is the new witness, replacing Abbie to stand alongside Ichabod in this ongoing fight. But up until this point, Molly has not shown her true potential — how could she at such a young age? Now, though, a more experienced Molly has stepped up to the plate. She has a history with Malcolm, a connection to Crane, a loving bond with her mother and a drive to save the world.

With Ichabod out of commission, we honestly cannot think of anyone better to lead Team Witness forward. And they’ll need her guidance too. Dreyfuss’s new world order is quickly taking shape, there’s just one Horseman left to raise. Could “Sleepy Hollow” kill off Crane completely? We don’t think so. But it’s up to Molly to set things right: Team Witness needs her right now, and really, so does the rest of the world.

“Sleepy Hollow” airs Fridays at 9 p.m. ET/PT on FOX.

Category: TelevisionTV Shows: Sleepy HollowCelebrities: Janina Gavankar Jeremy Davies Tom MisonTV Network: FOX

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