
BP makes last attempts to control oil spill

British energy giant BP continues to face hurdles in its way to siphon off oil that is coming out of its ruptured wellhead. New threat is in the form of tar balls and other types of debris from the oil that has spread over the region’s shoreline.
The company has made new attempts to […]

British energy giant BP continues to face hurdles in its way to siphon off oil that is coming out of its ruptured wellhead. New threat is in the form of tar balls and other types of debris from the oil that has spread over the region’s shoreline.

The company has made new attempts to fix hit a snag when its diamond-tipped saw was stuck in the deep sea in a pipe and oil is gushing out of it. The tool was freed only after several hours of tricky efforts.

The oil had started to spill over the region in April and has caused an ecological imbalance and economic catastrophe along the U.S Gulf Coast. Due to the oil spilled over the region, many sea-food workers are sitting ideal due to the government’s restrictions on fishering.
