Movies News

Check in to your Comic-Con hotel with Stephen Amell of ‘Arrow’ and more

sdcc-warner-bros-key-cards-arrow-666-revolution.jpgOkay, so that headline might have been a little misleading… but it’s nice to dream, right?

Every year at Comic-Con, Warner Bros. TV takes over not only the convention center, but some of the hotels surrounding it — and 2012’s event is no different. This year, Warner Bros. has provided 38 surrounding hotels with over 40,000 room key cards to support their genre shows “Arrow,” “666 Park Ave,” and “Revolution.”

The “Arrow” card features star Stephen Amell, who you might recognize from “The Vampire Diaries” or “Hung.” (If you don’t know him yet, trust us, you will — though after seeing the first episode of the show, we wouldn’t blame you if you got acquainted with his abs before you recognize his face.)

The “666 Park Avenue” card is appropriately creepy, given that it’s a show about a seemingly haunted Manhattan apartment building… with very, very dangerous owners played by “Lost” star Terry O’Quinn and “Desperate Housewives'” Vanessa Williams.

Comic-Con fans are already familiar with “Revolution” creators J.J. Abrams and Erik Kripke, so the key card will serve as a nice reminder to tune into the post-apocalyptic series that examines a war-torn future where technology doesn’t work. (Warner Bros. promises that your hotel key card won’t have that problem.)

Which of these three shows are you planning on checking out at San Diego Comic-Con 2012? Let us know in the comments section below!

Photo/Video credit: Warner Bros.

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