New Releases Movies
‘Chronicle’ Bests Daniel Radcliffe’s ‘Woman In Black’ With $22M
LOS ANGELES — Some unknown kids with superpowers have nudged out the world’s most famous teen wizard at the weekend box office.
“Chronicle,” with a cast of unknowns as youths who gain telekinetic abilities, debuted as the No. 1 movie with $ 22 million.
Sunday studio estimates put “Harry Potter” star Daniel Radcliffe’s ghost story “The Woman in Black” just behind with a $ 21 million opening.
Both movies packed in solid teen and early-20s crowds, Hollywood’s bread-and-butter demographic that had been giving movies a pass during a box-office slump late last year.
Hollywood finished the first month of 2012 with strong revenues that are running well ahead of last year’s lackluster receipts.
The previous weekend’s top movie, Liam Neeson’s “The Grey,” slipped to No. 3 with $ 9.5 million.
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