Director Joe Padilha Talks RoboCop
Earlier this month, we received word that Joe Padilha (“Elite Squad” films) was in talks to direct the RoboCop reboot at MGM, but it looks like he’s been on board for a while. A week later it was also reported that Josh Zetumer will write the script for the film.
Now, Motion TV Online got a chance to talks Padilha about the project. You can watch the interview using the player below (subtitles kick-in at the 3:20 mark), and we’ve also posted his answers in text below the video.
Q: How are the RoboCop negotiations?
Joe Padilha: It is about doing a new movie, and we’re working on it at the moment, and the negotiations are closed already.
Q: It is already closed?
Padilha: It has been a while!
Q: Really? We received that news only on March 1st, but it…

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