Emma Roberts & Rory Culkin Cover ‘Nylon’ May 2011
Emma Roberts and Rory Culkin cover Nylon magazine’s May 2011 issue, which celebrates young Hollywood!
Here’s what the Scream 4 co-stars had to share:
Emma, on her Disney years: “I loved that part of my life. A lot of people that were on Disney or Nickelodeon bash it afterwards. And I just think, That’s what got you your start! And also, from my experience, it was so fun. It was the calm before the storm… if you make the transition [as an actor] in the same way that you’re transitioning in real life, you’ll be fine. It’s when you’re 16 and you’re trying to play a 20-year-old hitchhiking stripper that people are gonna give you a hard time.”
Rory, on the choice between boxing and music: “Boxing is a little more mindless and takes me away from everything. Music can do that, too, but it’s another art form, you know what I mean? It’s something to be passionate about. Whereas boxing is like, I wanna kick some ass and get my ass kicked. It’s awesome.”
Rory, on his film roles up until now “I’ve been sort of scared of certain roles in the past, almost to the point of being kind of snobbish… Now I’m just a lot more open to things – I’m starting to feel the need to exercise my acting and leave my comfort zone. I think Scream is an example of that.”
Emma, on Glee: “I love that Gwyneth Paltrow’s on Glee. That’s something you would never think she’d do. And the fact that she just thought, I’m gonna let loose and do this – that’s so cool!”
For more from Emma and Rory, visit Nylon.com!
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