Movies News

‘Gossip Girl’ Season 6 casts ‘7th Heaven’ star Barry Watson as Serena’s love interest

barry-watson-gi-320.jpgWe’d heard rumblings that the final season of “Gossip Girl” might
feature a solid love interest for Serena (Blake Lively) — and now we
know who is playing him!

“7th Heaven” star Barry Watson has landed the
role of Serena’s new beau, Steven Spence. TVLine reports that Spence is an “entrepreneur,” but doesn’t go into further detail about his trade.


Serena didn’t exactly end Season 5 in a good place — she’d just made a
sex tape with her best friend’s boyfriend (always a no-no) and seemed to
be reverting to her former bad-girl ways. Could Spence be the guy who
brings her back to earth? Or will he be a further bad influence? We’ll
find out on Monday, October 8, when “Gossip Girl” returns for its final

Do you think that Spence will be Serena’s “endgame” romance? Or will she
reunite with one of her former flames — Dan or Nate — as the season
comes to a close?

Photo/Video credit: Getty Images

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