
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger: “No One Cares If You Get High!”

“No one cares if you smoke a joint,” at least that’s what exiting California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger thinks. Five weeks ago, the bodybuilder/actor-turned-politician signed a law that made possession of up to an ounce of marijuana the equivalent of a traffic ticket. It carries a penalty of no more than a $100 fine and no […]

“No one cares if you smoke a joint,” at least that’s what exiting California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger thinks.

Five weeks ago, the bodybuilder/actor-turned-politician signed a law that made possession of up to an ounce of marijuana the equivalent of a traffic ticket. It carries a penalty of no more than a $100 fine and no arrest or criminal record. At the time, the Governator argued that the cash-strapped State of California simply can’t afford to prosecute misdemenor cases. He defended the law again on Monday, telling Tonight Show host Jay Leno that the move is a good idea.

“No one cares if you smoke a joint or not,” he quipped.

He said Proposition 19, however, which would have legalized marijuana in California, went too far. On Election Day, voters rejected an initiative that would have allowed adults age 21 and older to possess and grow small amounts of marijuana.
