Movies News

Halle Berry Breaks Foot While On Location for ‘Cloud Atlas’

Poor Halle Berry: The Oscar winner broke her foot while on location for her movie, ‘Cloud Atlas,’ according to People. Set photos show her running in high heels for the thriller, but Berry actually suffered the injury off-set when she was “walking in Mallorca on a day off from filming,” according to a statement by Warner Bros. “Production has adjusted their schedule and will continue filming,” the studio stated. Berry previously broke her arm while making the thriller ‘Gothika’ with Robert Downey Jr.
‘Cloud Atlas’ co-stars Tom Hanks and Susan Sarandon, Hugo Weaving and Hugh Grant. Photos of Berry sporting a cast can be found at INF Daily, along with the report that producers plan to use a stunt double for her for the remainder of the film.

[via People]

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