Movies News

Hear Bradley Cooper’s Voice for Rocket Raccoon in ‘Guardians of the Galaxy,’ Plus Vin Diesel Talks Groot

A lot of fans were disappointed that they didn’t get to hear Rocket Raccoon talk in this week’s big trailer for Guardians of the Galaxy. Well, now they can. It’s a super short clip, but in it you can see and hear Bradley Cooper voicing the fuzzy little guy with the big personality. If you were expecting Cooper to be doing a silly voice or anything like that, however, you might still be disappointed. He basically sounds like Bradley Cooper still, which is fine with us.

You can also see James Gunn call Rocket “the heart of the movie,” which echoes what Marvel honcho Kevin Feige told us last year, when he said Rocket would be their equivalent of Gollum or Caesar from Rise of the Planet of the Apes. And it looks like they’re definitely on the right track for that. They’ve still got months to perfect all the digital work in the movie, and you can rest assured they’ll be working on it right up until the last possible moment before its August 1, 2014 release, but already Rocket is looking pretty badass.

Expect more of these Meet the Guardians posts in the coming days.

As promised, here’s a further look at Groot, though sadly we don’t hear Vin Diesel actually say the character’s signature line.


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