
Jena Malone Nailed Her ‘Catching Fire’ Audition by Having the Worst Morning Ever

jena malone catching fire auditionSTAN HONDA/AFP/Getty Images

Want to land a part in a movie? Just have the worst morning ever.

That was Jena Malone’s strategy, the actress revealed in a recent interview with Vulture. Malone, who plays fiery tribute Johanna Mason in “The Hunger Games: Catching Fire,” told the site that she was nervous about auditioning for the chip-on-her-shoulder character, since she’s “so not an angry person.”

“Anger’s not something you can fake,” Malone explained. “It’s something that channels through you, out of nowhere. It’s a hard thing to control. So I was like, F–k, this is going to be a little complicated, and I don’t wanna go in there and give him something fake and ridiculous.”

What happened the morning of her audition, though, certainly helped Malone channel her inner angry woman. The actress said that from the moment she woke up, “everything started pissing me off,” from a faulty alarm to a too-early phone call to the auditions before hers running behind.

“And I was like, Whoa, whoa, whoa, what’s happening? And I was like, Oh, wait. [Johanna’s] totally taking over,” Malone recalled. ” … By the time I was in there, I was seething; I was frothing at the mouth. I don’t even think I said hello to Francis. I just walked in and said, ‘Tell me when you want me to start.'”

Obviously, Malone’s crappy day turned into a pretty great one, since she snagged the part and now will appear in the rest of the films in the franchise, “Mockingjay – Part 1” and “Mockingjay – Part 2.” Catch her now in “Catching Fire.”

[via Vulture]

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