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Marvel Studios Countdown: Kevin Feige Addresses Marvel Rumors

Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige is doing some press for the upcoming Doctor Strange, which means he’s being asked about all things Marvel. Sometimes it feels like he answers more questions about Marvel’s upcoming slate than he does for the film at hand. On November 4, audiences will get their next Marvel fix, and we’re sure Easter eggs and post-credits scenes will open up all-new fan speculation. For now, let’s make some sense out of the news at hand.

Is Rachel McAdams playing Night Nurse in Doctor Strange?

McAdams is credited as Christine Palmer and Palmer is a character in the all-but-forgotten Night Nurse comics. However, the character more popularly known as “Night Nurse,” and the one associated with Doctor Strange, is Palmer’s co-worker Linda Carter. With that in mind, you think the answer would be a simple “no,” but Feige is a little more coy about it.

“It’s just as much fun for us as it is for the fans to speculate about that,” Feige told EW. It doesn’t seem likely then, but Feige doesn’t want to spell everything out for those anticipating a Night Nurse appearance. For those still scratching their head over who Night Nurse is, the comic started as a drama removed from the Marvel Universe, but in the past fifteen years, the core characters were revived and provided medical aid to Marvel’s injured superheroes. Claire Temple (Rosario Dawson) is even referred to as a “night nurse” in an episode of Luke Cage.

Will Captain Marvel feature her origin story?

Fans assumed traditional origin stories were off the table for the Marvel movies, based on some things Kevin Feige has said in the past, but Feige is always about finding the best ways to introduce Marvel’s characters to new audiences. According to Feige, in the case of Captain Marvel, a traditional origin story is in order.

The character’s convoluted backstory, in which an Air Force captain is accidentally infused with alien DNA, will be streamlined for film by screenwriters Nicole Perlman and Meg LaFauve. Perlman has been vocal about finding ways to avoid the pitfalls of similar origins like DC’s Green Lantern. Rumors swirl that Carol Danvers (Brie Larson) might show up in the Avengers film, before she finds herself imbued with the powers that transform her into Captain Marvel.

Is Marvel doing anything with Blade?

During New York Comic Con, Underworld franchise star Kate Beckinsale talked about how a Blade/Underworld crossover film might’ve been talked about at some point, but that Marvel had plans for Blade. She never said how immediate those plans were, so many fans thought she was indicating that something was happening very soon with the Daywalker.

Not so fast. Feige clarified that Blade is indeed in Marvel’s full control, but that nothing was being planned. The vampire-slaying character seems ripe for a Netflix revival if you ask us.

Will the Defenders be in the next Avengers movies?

“Spoilers!” is all Feige would tell IGN, which is as much a confirmation as we can expect at this point. Of course fans want to see the Netflix and ABC TV characters standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the rest of the Marvel Cinematic Universe on screen. And what if the inter-dimensional realms of Dr. Strange bring the Fox-controlled worlds of X-Men and Fantastic Four into play? It sounds nuts; maybe it is, but the Russos told Comic Book Movie that they were dealing with 67 characters in the planning of Avengers: Infinity War. That doesn’t confirm we’ll see the Fox crew, but it all but confirms the inclusion of Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist in the Infinity War.

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