Movies News

‘Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol’ Trailer Shows Tom Cruise Cool Under Pressure

Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol

A few days ago a bootleg of the French trailer for Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol found its way online.  We held back on both watching and posting it because we wanted to see what The Incredibles director Brad Bird had done with Tom Cruises’ longest running film franchise without a French dub and a shaky recording to distract us from the goods.  And I’m gladly we waited, because a foreign language shaky cam is no way to see this bad boy for the first time.

Say what you will about Cruise’s personal life, but it’s hard to attack the man’s dedication to his craft.  He’s one of the few A-list actors in Hollywood who truly earns his paycheck when it comes to action films, always working closely with the stunt team to do everything humanly possible.  His willingness to get knocked around by explosions is what makes the Mission: Impossible franchise still interesting after three fairly spread out films and there’s plenty on display here to prove that his commitment to selling spectacle has waned despite his age.

Of course, a supporting cast consisting of the always smooth Tom Wilkinson, the always interesting Jeremy Renner, the always cool Simon Pegg and the always beautiful Paula Patton doesn’t hurt one bit.

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