Movies News

Movie News: Matt Damon Going to Space As ‘The Martian;’ ‘Timecop’ Remake Moves Forward; First ‘Hercules’ Clip


The Martian: Drew Goddard is no longer attached to direct The Martian, a not-unexpected development since he was just named to helm Marvel’s The Sinister Six, on top of his duties as writer/director for the Daredevil TV show. The Martian is a sci-fi drama that revolves around an astronaut stranded on the Moon; it’s set up at Fox, which wants Matt Damon (who last ventured into sci-fi in Elysium) to star. But that will “likely” depend on who is brought on board to direct. [The Wrap]


Timecop: We heard about plans for a reboot of the highly enjoyable sci-fi/action flick Timecop last year, and the project is now moving forward (although still without original star Jean-Claude Van Damme). Mark and Brian Gunn (The Journey 2) have been hired to write the screenplay, which will reportedly be a “more gritty and grounded police story with the sci-fi in the background, though it will still have the main character on a personal journey.” [Heat Vision]


Hercules Clip: As a legendary half-man, half-god, Dwayne Johnson still manages to walk into a trap in the first clip from Brett Ratner’s Hercules. The odds do not look good, but then Hercules says, “Look at me. Do I look afraid?” and, suddenly, we know the answer. The movie marches into theaters on July 25. [MTV]


Decoding Annie Parker Trailer: Samantha Morton and Helen Hunt star in Decoding Annie Parker as a cancer survivor and a geneticist, respectively. The trailer for the positive-thinking drama, based on a true story, deftly mixes personal self-confidence and medical anxiety, as well as a look at the intriguing cast, which includes Aaron Paul. The movie is due in theaters on May 2. [Yahoo]

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