
StarCrossed’s purpose is confirmed in ‘People of Earth’s’ eye-opening finale

Heading into the final two episodes of “People of Earth,” things were up in the air regarding the future of Ozzie’s (Wyatt Cenac) professional life and the lives of the members of StarCrossed. Monday’s (Dec. 19) back-to-back episodes, titled “Lost and Found” and “Snake Man & Little Guy,” answered a number of questions — while setting our group of unlikely heroes on a path for even weirder circumstances in Season 2.

Picking up on Ozzie’s life as he heads home in “Lost and Found,” we finally learn a bit more about his oddball father — played by the always wonderful Clarke Peters (“The Wire,” “Jessica Jones”). And as Ozzie attempts to acclimate to his new reality, back with his parents, he finally begins to fill in the blanks from his childhood.

people of earth young ozzie beacon StarCrosseds purpose is confirmed in People of Earths eye opening finale

Linking him back to that market he visited on his way out of Beacon, Ozzie learns that, while his parents got caught up in an argument during a road trip, he went missing. Once found — asleep on one of the store’s shelves, no less — he soon began drawing pictures of himself with a whole variety of Reptilians. If there was ever a sign he needed to head back to Beacon, this would be it.

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But while Ozzie was having a huge a-ha moment, the members of StarCrossed struggled to keep the support group together. No longer able to meet at the church, they were stuck meeting at Gina’s (Ana Gasteyer) work — Crockery Hutch is such a great name, you guys! — before the store opens for business. Needless to say, the group looks to be on its last legs.

people of earth jeff the grey kurt StarCrosseds purpose is confirmed in People of Earths eye opening finale

Let’s not forget Jeff the Grey’s (Ken Hall) mission for vengeance, either. While the StarCrossed dream falls apart, Gina headed home to drown her sorrows in some wine. Father Doug (Oscar Nunez) went ahead and got his band back together — reigniting some much-needed passion in his life, as well as Chelsea’s (Tracee Chimo) — and at that same time, Jeff positioned robot Nancy (Debra McCabe) in Gina’s closet… Waiting for the perfect time to pounce.

Picking up from there, “Snake Man & Little Guy” puts Ozzie back in Beacon where he gives Gina the information he recently discovered. Helping him to retrace his steps, by literally retracing his steps, Gina and Ozzie head back to that fateful market where Ozzie first went missing.

RELATED: ‘People of Earth’: Ozzie’s identity crisis puts StarCrossed in jeopardy

What he learns is this: As a child, Ozzie wandered into the store when his parents were arguing in the parking lot. Like any curious boy, he ventured into a place he didn’t belong — the employee break room, to be exact — and found himself face-to-face with three Reptilians, doing Reptilian things. This is the moment Ozzie met Jonathan Walsh (Michael Cassidy).

It’s this memory that causes Ozzie to request hypnosis from Gina to further head down the rabbit hole. Here is the moment where “People of Earth” delivers its biggest bombshell thus far: Every StarCrossed member, aside from Gerry (Luka Jones), is a lifer. They’re all on the ship with him and they’re all children —  including Gina.

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Gerry was not in Ozzie’s recollection of the past, but his inclusion in the group will be taking on a very different meeting in Season 2 — the dude was finally abducted by aliens. You go, Gerry!

Hey, remember Jeff’s mission to take out Gina? Instead of going straight in for the kill, Jonathan Walsh got wind of his plan and did his best to cut off Nancy at the pass. Their fight was witnessed by Richard (Brian Huskey) — who still had hopes for romance with Nancy — and as he rushed in to save his crush (from being crushed) her self-destruct mechanism was triggered, causing things inside Gina’s home to get quite explosive.

So, as the season came to an end, we received the confirmation that not all aliens were bad. Jonathan seems to have turned away from the sinister plans of world domination, and while Don the White (Bjorn Gustafsson) attempted to break things off with Kelly (Alice Wetterlund) — coming up with a lie involving fake health issues tied to fake parents in Iceland — she soon turned the tables on the man, getting him to agree on flying to Iceland together.

If any lesson can be taken away from these final two episodes, it’s that there’s still hope for StarCrossed — there has to be. With Ozzie’s eye-opening realization regarding the group’s life-long connection to the aliens, Gerry’s abduction dreams fulfilled, Jonathan Walsh’s revealed Reptilian secret and the highly-awaited arrival of the mastership, many pieces are in place for a very intriguing Season 2.

“People of Earth” Season 2 will return in the Fall, 2017 to TBS.

Category: TelevisionTV Shows: People of EarthTV Network: TBS

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