Movies News

The Week in Original Content: 45 Columns, Features and Movie Reviews

Sunday, September 25th


‘Retreat’ FF Review: Getting Away to a Lonely Island? Beware of Bloodied Strangers by Peter Martin

‘Juan of the Dead’ FF Review: Cuba Does Zombies by Jacob S. Hall

Observations from a Fantastic Fest Virgin: Looking for the Magic and Finding It in ‘You’re Next’ by Erik Davis

Monday, September 26th

The Yellow Sea

Monday Morning Review: ‘Moneyball’ Does The Unthinkable By Making Baseball Interesting Again by Sean O’Connell

Dialogue: Seth Rogen on ’50/50′, Telling Personal Stories and Getting a Little Help from His Friends by Erik Davis

‘Livid’ FF Review: A Junk Food Trick-or-Treat Bag of Deliciously Bad-for-You Horror by John Gholson

Dialogue: José Padilha Talks His ‘Robocop’ Remake, the Rating and If ED-209 Will Return by Peter Hall

8 Great…Mortality Comedies by Alonso Duralde

Fantastic Fest Capsule Reviews: ‘The Devil’s Business,’ ‘Manborg’ and ‘The Yellow Sea’ by Jacob S. Hall

Dialogue: José Padilha Explains the Controversy and Huge Success of ‘Elite Squad 2’ by Peter Hall

‘Melancholia’ FF Review: Beautiful, Fragile, and Without Much to Say by John Gholson

‘Julia X 3D’ FF Review: Kevin Sorbo As a Very Strange Serial Killer by Peter Martin

In Honor of ‘Dream House’: A Travelogue to New England Horror by Monika Bartyzel

Tuesday, September 27th

‘You’re Next’ FF Review: A Pitch-Perfect Horror Movie by Peter Hall

When Can I Watch ‘The Princess Bride’ with My Kids? by Sean O’Connell

The Conversation: What Does ‘The Lion King 3D’ Box Office Success Mean for Hollywood and Moviegoers? by Christopher Campbell

Buy Me, Rent Me, Forget Me: ‘Transformers: Dark of the Moon’ Plus the Blu-ray Debuts of ‘Footloose’ and ‘Mimic’ by Robert B. DeSalvo

DVD Obscura: Gay Zombies, Childhood Classics and More by Alonso Duralde

‘A Lonely Place to Die’ FF Review: This Thriller Deserves to Be Seen by John Gholson

Wednesday, September 28th

Get a Taste of the Amazing Images Contained in ‘Drew Struzan: Oeuvre’ by Peter Hall

Critics’ Corner: 50/50 and Other Entertaining Disease Movies by Dave White and Grae Drake

Dialogue: Chris Evans on ‘Puncture’ and the Challenges of Becoming a Bona Fide Movie Star by Todd Gilchrist

‘The Hobbit’ Countdown: Howard Shore is as Essential as Any Cast Member by Larry D. Curtis

The Eight Most Shocking and Surprising Moments of Fantastic Fest 2011 by Jacob S. Hall

Short Rounds: Bringing a Bit of Fantastic Fest from Austin to You by Daniel Walber

The Conversation: Roman Polanski and Abigail Breslin Incite Controversy; A Disturbing Mix of Applause and Outrage Ensues by Christopher Campbell

Fantastic Feud: The Ultimate, Highly-Exclusive Game Show For Extreme Movie Lovers by Peter Martin

‘Man of Steel’ Countdown: Villains Unite! (Part 1) by Jeffrey Taylor

Criterion Corner: September Releases Deliver Sex, Death, And French People by David Ehrlich

Thursday, September 29th

‘Paranormal Activity 3’ FF Review: If You Liked the First Two, You’ll Most Certainly Like This One by Peter Hall

‘The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn’ Countdown: Sounding Off on the Soundtrack by Laura Byrne-Cristiano

‘Kill Me Please’ FF Review: A Deadpan Black Comedy from Belgium by Eric D. Snider

Best of the Month, Special Features: Including ‘Star Wars: The Complete Saga,’ ‘Thor,’ ‘Dumbo,’ ‘X-Men: First Class’ and More by Robert B. DeSalvo

Best/Worst Promos of the Week: ‘Elmo’ and ‘The Human Centipede’ Unite by Perri Nemiroff

Girls on Film: Young Celebrity Culture and Outsourcing Skill in Hollywood by Monika Bartyzel

Friday, September 30th

Cine Latino: The Muy Caliente Stars Behind ‘Blackthorn,’ ‘Paradise Lost,’ ‘Rock of Ages’ and ‘Premium Rush’ by Elisa Osegueda

Poster Premiere: Dane Cook, Julie Benz and More Star in ‘Answers to Nothing’ by Erik Davis

Dialogue: Josh Hartnett Talks the Stylized Ass-Kicking of ‘Bunraku’ by Brian Salisbury

Skip or Double Dip? That is the Question for ‘Ben-Hur,’ ‘Dumbo,’ ‘Citizen Kane’ and ‘Children of the Corn’ by Robert B. DeSalvo

Dialogue: Tyler Labine Talks ‘Tucker and Dale’ Shocks, ‘Orgy’ Chemistry and Explains ‘Rapturepalooza’ by Peter Hall

‘Carnage’ NYFF Review: Roman Polanski’s Latest is Bloodless by Jenni Miller

The Conversation: Could There Ever Be a Black James Bond? by Christopher Campbell

The Weekend Rent: There’s Something about Anna Faris by Robert B. DeSalvo

Dialogue: Joseph Gordon-Levitt on Cancer Comedies, Christopher Nolan and Creating Short Films with 300 Other People by Erik Davis

One Year Ago: Catching Up with ‘The Social Network,’ ‘Let Me In,’ and More by Eric D. Snider

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