
What Was Jenna Dewan-Tatum Guilty of Using in Her Teens?

Style News Now

08/14/2012 at 12:15 PM ET

Jenna DewanCourtesy StyleCaster

Blame it on the Spice Girls Olympics reunion: we’ve had a bad case of ’90s nostalgia this week — and Jenna Dewan-Tatum is only adding fuel to the fire with her latest reveal.

Speaking to StyleCaster’s Beauty High, the actress admits to a sentimental style mistake. ”I wanted highlights and I have really dark, almost black hair and I Sun-In’d all of my hair and it turned out a really bright orange when I was 17,” she shares. “And then you can’t get rid of it, and you sort of just have to keep dyeing it over and it grows out and it’s this horrible color orange.”

Luckily, Dewan-Tatum doesn’t have to rely on the drugstore product to lighten her brown tresses anymore; on Monday she debuted freshly dyed blonde locks (below) on her WhoSay page, and there’s not a hint of orange in sight!

Jenna Dewan-TatumJenna Dewan-Tatum on WhoSay

But regardless of hair color, one thing is for sure: the star’s hot husband, Channing Tatum, will still adore her. “He’s the best! He loves me when I wake up in the morning — when I wake up with no makeup on and my hair’s a mess,” she admits. “And if he loves me like that then you can only go up from there. So, I’m a very lucky girl.” Ugh. Yes, you are.

To read more of Dewan-Tatum’s interview — and see more from her photo shoot — head over to BeautyHigh.com Wednesday at 10 a.m.

–Jennifer Cress


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