Movies News

Which Lego Characters Should Be in the ‘Lego Movie’ Sequel, Now Set for 2017?

How on Earth are they going to top the first Lego Movie? The sequel, which was in planning stages before the original opened in theaters, has just received a releae date of May 26, 2017. That’s prime summer-blockbuster real estate, so there’s even more reason to try to make it bigger and better.

One thing they’ll need to do is add some fresh characters, including cameos. For starters, they probably want to address a noticeable lack of Marvel superheroes in The Lego Movie. It makes sense that they stuck to DC superheroes since they’re owned by Warner Bros., which made the animated feature, but they could work a deal with Disney for at least a brief appearance of Spider-Man and Iron Man, right?

And as long as they’re talking to the Mouse House, through which they had to have gotten clearance for the first movie’s great Star Wars bit, they could add in some Disney princesses. Plus, there’s got to be a neat way of involving the Lego Toy Story sets given that The Lego Movie is sort of similar to that Pixar franchise in what it does well with turning branded playthings into movie magic.

I know there’s already a script in the works, if not finished, so who knows if it’s worth making real plot suggestions, but it’d be cool to see the main Lego Movie characters wind up in a new land filled with discontinued Lego themes and characters. Here’s specifically what I’d like to see: Time Cruisers and Time Twisters. Time travel is the best way to improve on the first movie (never mind the pseudo time travel in the original with the Old West land), especially since that 1990s series was pretty ridiculous. The Skeleton and Ghost minifigs are a definite must. 

They also need to somehow fit in references to ill-fitting brands like Bionicle and Technic. Movie fans would probably rather see more cameos from iconic pop-culture characters, though, from such previously and upcoming licensed titles (for toys and/or video games) as Indiana Jones, Back to the Future, Ghostbusters, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings/Hobbit and Pirates of the Caribbean

Or there’s always the familiar minifigs created originally for Lego, like Benny the spaceman featured in The Lego Movie. Five years ago, Topless Robot posted an excellent list of the 30 Greatest Lego Minifigs of All Time, if you want a nostalgic reference point. Also check out its more recent list of the 21 Greatest Lego Collectible Minifigures. Yes, please, to the robots, zombies and bunny-suit guy.

Of course, we also want to see our favorites from the first movie return, especially Benny. Spaceship!

Which characters would you like to see in The Lego Movie 2?

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