The Purge 4: The fourth installment of the Purge series is on its way. James DeMonaco, who wrote and directed the first three installments, including The...
Ah, fair President’s Day. It’s a perfect Monday both for celebrating what is traditionally the most respected position in our country and for watching the Bachelor meet...
Here are a bunch of little bites to satisfy your hunger for Presidents’ Day-related movie culture. Brad Neeley‘s NSFW animated short Washington is still hilarious after a...
“It’s so not that story!” A lot of comparisons have been made between The Arrangement and Scientology, but the cast of E!’s new scripted series is...
When you think of pop music, who do you think of? Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Ariana Grande, Britney Spears, Rihanna, Taylor Swift , Fifth Harmony—the list goes on. All...
Last September, we were excited to hear that Disney had brought Jon Favreau (The Jungle Book) on board to direct a new live-action reimagining of The...
Let the ultimate mommy war begin. Welcome to Monterey, Calif., where the only thing bigger than the houses are the rivalries between the moms at the...
After what felt like a lifetime, but was only really just about a full year, The Walking Dead finally reunited one of our favorite pair of characters...
Looks like Paris Hilton has a new man in her life! The former reality TV star and socialite sure had fans talking when she called actor Chris Zylka...
Award season just isn’t as special without your Hollywood BFF nearby. As the road to the 2017 Oscars continues, there’s one thing that pop culture fans...