Former American Idol pundit Paula Abdul is returning to the judges’ table — this time as part of a new primetime dance competition series on CBS.The...
Glee has been greenlit for a third season on FOX!The freshman show is still in its first season, but has already earned strong numbers for the...
When Exes Attack — Melissa Etheridge Edition: Actress Tammy Lynn Michaels lashed out at ex Melissa Etheridge in a poem posted to her blog last Thursday....
British actress Emma Watson has rubbished rumours that she is dating Spanish rocker Rafael Cebrian. Watson has told her fans that she is single. The 20-year-old...
American singer Lady Gaga has been tested for lupus. It is the same genetic disease that killed the singer’s aunt. Lupus is a disease that causes...
‘Poker Face’ singer Lady Gaga has been photographed frolicking and rolling around with an attractive mystery brunette on a yacht off the French coast. According to...
Katrina Kaif was not willing to do the lead role of a politician in Rajneeti and she was in fact was shocked when the director of...
The Jonas Brothers got trapped inside an Elevator after treating their fans in an outdoor concert on last Saturday. They were struck inside the elevator along...
Janet Jackson was recently spotted in the streets of London with her new found love, Wissam Al Mana. a Qatari businessman. The pop star celebrated her...
Dannii Minogue is very much concerned upon her growing baby bump and is in search of ways to keep her skin in normal condition. The actor...