Kick Ass New Extended Movie Trailer [HD] Director: Matthew Vaughn Release: 4/16/2010 Genre: Action/Adventure/Comedy Studio: Lionsgate Website: Kick-Ass tells the story of average teenager Dave...
The director, Milap Zaveri had to drop his plans of studding stars in his forthcoming debut film, Jaane Kahan Se Aayi Hai. He had announced his...
According to the reports, Kareena Kapoor is now the highest taxpayer among all the Bollywood actresses in Bollywood. Although the amount that she paid has not...
Rob Fusari is songwriter and music producer filed a $30.5 million lawsuit against the pop superstar, Lady Gaga. According to the words of Fusari he helped...
Despite the fact that the so-awaited new series of Doctor Who will be aired only after April 3, Karen Gillan and Matt Smith were seen at...
Jessica Simpson has a new TV show as well as a new song, but she is not planning to get back in the studio in the...
Review in a Hurry: In this book-to-film adaptation, Greg Hefley has one goal: To be the most popular boy in his new middle school. But much...
The gorgeous Kareena Kapoor has always been in style on screen as well as off screen. Now Bebo is all set to play a glamorous mother...
Robert Pattinson has no interest in becoming a party animal just because he is a celebrity. The ‘Twilight’ star insisted that he wishes to maintain a...
Kristen Stewart is set to don a new avatar – the Twilight actress, 19, will now star in her own comic book. The mag will hit...