Paramount revealed the title for the seventh installment of the “Transformers” franchise on Tuesday at a digital occasion hosted by director Steven Caple Jr., producer Lorenzo...
“Mission: Impossible 7” will not shoot again to again with “Mission: Impossible 8” as initially deliberate, a person with data advised TheWrap. The motion sequels starring...
Photo credit score: Universal Pictures With its theatrical window deal signed by AMC and Cinemark, Universal and Focus Features have continued to steer the struggling pandemic...
We’d heard rumblings that the final season of “Gossip Girl” might feature a solid love interest for Serena (Blake Lively) — and now we know who...
British author J.K. Rowling has revealed that the seventh film of the Harry Potter series is her favourite. According to a foreign news agency, Rowling, 45,...
According to the latest news, Kevin Costner is in the seventh heaven. As a matter of fact, he has become a father. It has become the...