Selena Gomez & The Scene — a modern-day retelling of Lisa Lisa & The Cult Jam — officially debut their new single, “Who Says,” on Ryan...
Too bad her CBS dancing show wasn’t this entertaining! All-new audio has surfaced of former American Idol judge Paula Abdul making a frantic call to 911...
She made a huge splash on the music scene with the release of her infectious debut single “Whip My Hair. Now at the ripe old age...
Taylor Swift is getting a taste of her own medicine! The songstress famous for penning musical melodies about her equally-famous exes is now the object of...
It took a while, but the return of Lady Gaga is upon us. In the wee hours of this Friday morning in February, the “Poker Face”...
Guess we know who Weezy’s rooting for this Sunday. Rapping over a remixed track of Wiz Khalifa’s rap hit “Black & Yellow,” the sperminating hip-hopster has...
Jennifer Lopez already has a new gig on American Idol, now the mother of two also has new music on the radio. On Tuesday, Jenny from...
On Monday, pint-sized TV/radio guy Ryan Seacrest served up a giant treat for Music Aficionados when he unveiled the world premiere of Britney Spears’ new single...
On Monday, Sony Records released the first original Michael Jackson tune set to appear on the late singer’s first posthumous album, dropping next month. In the...
Filing this one under “Our Daily Ewww!” The Music World needs a Kim Kardashian album about as much as pop culture needs a Kim Kardashian. Somehow...