Paramount revealed the title for the seventh installment of the “Transformers” franchise on Tuesday at a digital occasion hosted by director Steven Caple Jr., producer Lorenzo...
Continuing his ongoing behind-the-scenes look at the pre-production of X-Men: Days of Future Past, director Bryan Singer has revealed a new extreme close-up of Mama McCoy’s... – follow Us! Here is the newest trailer for the movie Beastly starring Vanessa Hudgens and Alex Pettyfer. Beastly has been getting good buzz and...
The major theatrical releases coming to home video this week are a real disappointment. ‘Sucker Punch,’ the latest outing by Zack Snyder, is a disjointed exploitation...
The release date for Beastly — a fantasy film starring Neil Patrick Harris, Vanessa Hudgens, Mary-Kate Olsen, and Alex Pettyfer — has been pushed up two...
The release of Vanessa Hudgens’ new film Beastly has been postponed to avoid a box office clash with beau Zac Efron.Hudgens has teamed up with Alex...