Up and coming actress Ryan Kiera Armstrong (“American Horror Story,” “The Tomorrow War”) has been forged as Charlie in the brand new adaptation of Stephen King’s traditional...
“Doctor Strange” director Scott Derrickson will direct “Black Phone” for Blumhouse and Universal, in response to a person with information of the venture. Derrickson and frequent...
Netflix has optioned the Stephen King brief story “Mr. Harrigan’s Phone” for each Blumhouse and Ryan Murphy to supply as a function movie, a person with...
Jason Blum’s Blumhouse Productions is being hit with layoffs and pay cuts within the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, a Blumhouse spokesperson confirmed to TheWrap. Senior...
What occurs once you mix The Purge and Get Out studio Blumhouse Productions, Lost and The Leftovers alum Damon Lindelof, GLOW‘s Betty Gilpin and I Am...
It is decidedly so. Jeff Wadlow, the director of “Truth or Dare” and “Kick-Ass 2,” is about to direct a live-action “Magic 8 Ball” movie based...
Columbia Pictures Last fall, Blumhouse head Jason Blum caught a large quantity of flack for an interview during which he asserted that the explanation he didn’t...