Today marks the official theatrical debut of the latest chapter in the Marvel Cinematic Universe: Doctor Strange, starring Benedict Cumberbatch and directed by Scott Derrickson. To...
A couple of days ago, actor/director Ben Affleck revealed that the name of his upcoming directorial debut in the DC Extended Universe would be something that...
While we still have a fair amount of time until the release of the Russo Brothers’ Avengers: Infinity War, which will begin to resolve the conflict between...
It’s increasingly difficult to tell when actors in our favorite superhero movies are wearing clothes. Wait, let us rephrase. Thanks to technology, it’s impossible to tell...
As arguably the blockbuster franchise that catalyzed Hollywood’s current love affair with comics-based cinema, the X-Men franchise at 20th Century Fox also has the distinction of...
Over the last several months, the future of the newly-blossomed “DC Extended Universe” has had a pall of doubt cast over it due to the polarizing...
With Suicide Squad in theaters this weekend, many are zeroing in on one of the film’s key storylines: the fractured, highly dysfunctional relationship between Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn and Jared Leto’s Joker....
This week we got our very first glimpse at actor Tyler Hoechlin taking up the iconic costume of TV’s version of the Man of Steel, Superman....
As over 100,000 people descend once again on the San Diego area for 2016’s Comic-Con International, the entire world of fandom waits to see what kinds...
With a DC Comics-based cinematic universe on the horizon due to the 2016 releases of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and Suicide Squad, one of the biggest casting...