Jimmy Kimmel acquired Tom Hanks’ sincere response to a viral clip from “Jeopardy!” final week wherein not one of the contestants might accurately determine him as...
Well, my crystal ball proved to be three-fifths correct: The Brewer Boys, Dexter Haygood (who I’m actually kind of worried about, guys), and Tiah Tolliver were...
Last night was the premiere of Oxygen’s fantastic new reality series, The Glee Project. The contestants got the chance to meet series star Darren Criss, who...
Tonight, Oxygen premieres its new reality series, The Glee Project, which follows 12 contestants as they battle for a role on Fox’s hit Glee. Having seen...
Bollywood actress Preity Zinta is known for her feisty and bold nature, but even she can be caught off guard sometimes. That’s what happened during the...
Just when you think you’ve seen everything, Marilyn Manson goes and turns himself into a mascara and liner-clad incarnation of Simon Cowell. Live from The WTF...