Entertainment One (eOne) has tapped “John Wick” author Derek Kolstad to develop a “Dungeons & Dragons” TV-series pitch. Dungeons & Dragons, which has been tailored for...
Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg are engaged on one other animated movie geared toward grownup audiences within the vein of their film “Sausage Party” by growing...
Sonic the Hedgehog: Deadpool director Tim Miller, who recently dropped out of the Deadpool sequel, has now taken over development duties on Sonic the Hedgehog, a...
Showtime is developing a potential spinoff of its acclaimed comedy series Californication. Californication writer-executive producer Tom Kapinos has created a new professional groupie character who will...
CBS is developing an unscripted show from Nigel Lythgoe (So You Think You Can Dance) that, quite literally, asks contestants to search for a hidden stash of cash. Here’s the...
AMC is developing a new drama series about man’s first contact with extraterrestrial life. John Shiban (Breaking Bad, The Vampire Diaries) is working on a project...
HBO is developing a new comedy series starring Footloose actor Kevin Bacon. The cable network is eyeing a comedy series set at a country club, with...