The Witches‘ latest adaptation for 2020 has come beneath fireplace by one other high-profile star over its unfavorable depiction of limb distinction. The latest movie model...
This week marks the digital HD release of Warner Bros. and DC Entertainment’s Suicide Squad, the third film in the burgeoning DC Extended Universe. While generally...
Pokemon Go is a phenomenon that doesn’t at all show any signs of slowing down. And while young and old everywhere are wandering the streets searching for...
Courtesy CFDA Sure, they’ll be busy hitting the runways, but New York City’s most famous models will also be helping a cause when they step out...
We recently sat down with writer-director-editor Ti West, best known for his masterful The House of the Devil, to talk about his latest film, The Innkeepers (out December 30th on...
This is the first, and hopefully last, article I'll be writing about Mr. Bieber that doesn't involve his present and future film projects. I have...
Crystal Harris was only three-years-old when Disney’s The Little Mermaid — the film that would ultimately become her favorite of all-time — debuted in theaters back...