Jamie Foxx and Kevin Hart will produce a pair of documentary movies for Apple Studios that can concentrate on the challenges confronted in Hollywood by Black...
PBS “Eyes on the Prize” (1987) PBS’ 14-hour documentary “Eyes on the Prize” initially aired in 1987. The collection, narrated by Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee founding...
Netflix Last Updated: August 20th History tends to be a type of topics you both discover insanely boring or massively fascinating. Often that comes right down...
Nat Geo Netflix often steals the highlight in the case of documentaries obtainable on streaming platforms, however if you happen to’re solely trying there for attention-grabbing,...
Netflix Last Updated: April 22nd Streaming video is the most effective factor that’s ever occurred to documentaries. People who would by no means have paid for...
Netflix Last Updated: March 19th Streaming video is the very best factor that’s ever occurred to documentaries. People who would by no means have paid for...
Doc Talk is a biweekly column devoted to documentary cinema, typically featuring an essay concentrated on a currently relevant topic for discussion followed by critic picks for...
As I look back on my “Sundance Documentaries People Will Be Talking About” column from last January, I realize this is my equivalent to other bloggers’...