“The Good Fight” and its predecessor firmly take place in the present-day United States, creating storylines around the current political climate and real politicians. Most of...
After two episodes, we posited that “The Good Fight” may actually end up being better than “The Good Wife” and we stand by that assertion. But...
Cush Jumbo has a wish. A simple wish, really. The Good Fight star wants to find out more about her character’s family and whether or not...
There aren’t many examples of a spinoff surpassing the original in quality; most of the time, the best a spinoff can hope for is to be...
Funny that the same news cycle would contain both the Dec. 11 episode of “Shameless,” all about settling for what you’ve got, and the encouraging news...
Now, who saw this coming? WAGS Miami‘s season finale ended just like it began—with a bang—during the ladies’ dramatic trip to Croatia. There were side eyes,...
Next year we’ll see Batman and Wonder Woman travel all over the world to recruit The Flash, Aquaman and Cyborg in Justice League. But if Zack Snyder...
Is it just us, or is Demi Lovato enjoying a date night this Saturday evening? The “Cool for the Summer” singer was spotted holding hands with...
Considering it seems like every single action star from the ’80s and ’90s eventually wound up battling in a movie together, it’s a bit surprising that Arnold...
[embedded content] Nothing says welcome like a sphere of fear and a giant, killer Gorilla on the CW! Remember that mysterious meet-up between all our favorite superheroes...