Review in a Hurry: In its least self-serious installment yet, the Saw franchise literally throws its over-the-top gore in our faces, along with an unusual amount...
Johnny Depp was annoyed with the British chefs over the food that was offered to him while he was shooting his new movie in London. He...
None of us have heard the famous Deepika Padukone discussing about a good number of BEF’s from the Bollywood town. What we have the knowledge of...
‘Just Go with It’ is the new flick which will have the two beautiful actresses working together in it i.e. Nicole Kidman and Jennifer Aniston. Yes,...
Ace choreographer Saroj Khan, who has made almost all top Bollywood celebrities dance on her tunes, says children are easier to work with. “I feel it’s...
Even work of Adam Sandler does not prevent him to squeeze in some precious moments with one lady that is really very special for him. During...