Jennifer Lawrence and the cast of “Catching Fire” invaded the Cannes Film Festival on Saturday to celebrate the latest “Hunger Games” installment. Liam Hemsworth and Sam...
It. Is. Here. The first teaser for “Catching Fire,” the highly anticipated follow-up to “The Hunger Games,” debuted during the MTV Movie Awards — and it’s...
It’s hard to believe that “Hunger Games” fans still have more than nine months to wait before the debut of “The Hunger Games: Catching Fire,” but...
NBC’s new Dick Wolf drama “Chicago Fire” spotlights a Chicago firehouse that has recently lost a man in a fire, focusing on the fall-out of the...
June 3, 2012 It appears that production on Lionsgate’s upcoming The Hunger Games: Catching Fire is being planned to take place in Atlanta, Georgia. The news...
***It should go without saying, but if you haven’t yet watched Sunday’s (March 18) season finale, then you risk having it utterly spoiled by reading past...
Just 50 days remain until “The Hunger Games” explodes into theaters, and in honor of that special occasion, Lionsgate has unveiled a brand new trailer for...
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Gwyneth Paltrow’s sophomore stint Glee is earning the Oscar winner rave reviews for her surprising vocal prowess — except from children’s charities — who accuse the...
Swedish star Per Oscarsson is missing and feared dead after a New Year’s Weekend blaze at his rural home in Sweden, investigators say. The remains of...