A sequel to the 1996 TV film “Gotti” about mobster John Gotti is within the works, with Nick Vallelonga (who co-wrote and produced “Green Book”) and...
Lindsay Lohan has officially signed on to portray Kim Gotti in the upcoming film Gotti: Three Generations, according to Variety. The 24-year-old actress will play the...
Kim Kardashian as a Gotti Girl? It could happen, Hollywood spies say! Kardashian — who cut her acting chops in 2008′s Disaster Movie and a guest...
We knew John Travolta was a “Dancing Machine,” but who knew the Brooklyn native also had the stuff to be a “Dapper Don?” Tinseltown producer Marty...
Rambo star Sylvester Stallone has been tipped for the lead role in a forthcoming movie based on the life of murderous mobster John Gotti, TMZ.com reports.Gotti...