Rupert Grint, otherwise known as Ron Weasley (and Ed Sheeran‘s doppleganger), had a magical reunion last night with former co-star Bonnie Wright. Bonnie, who played Ron’s younger...
Just when it seemed like Potter Heads would be relegated to enjoying the cinematic adventures of the Boy Who Lived only through their memories, Warner Bros....
Rupert Grint has said that his onscreen kiss with Emma Watson in ‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows’ was ”okay”. “It was actually okay,” People mag...
Emma Watson and Rupert Grint, who share a steamy snog in the next Harry Potter film, could be relatives from the village of Kilworth, Leics- reveal...
Rupert Grint is the Gingers’ Anwer to Leonardo DiCaprio. (Where’s that “Chile Puhleeze” graphic when you need it…) Acclaimed director Martin Scorsese — the lensman behind...
Rupert Grint, a.k.a. Ron Weasely of ‘Harry Potter’ saga, will be seen playing a rather darker role in a film by Martin Scorsese, who has become...