The Michael Moore-produced documentary “Planet of the Humans” was pulled from YouTube in a single day as a consequence of a “copyright claim by a third...
After Monday’s (March 6) episode, we’re ready to make a bold prediction: The bond between Mia (Gemma Chan) and Ed (Sam Palladio) may be the best...
“If a thing could be free, it should be free. If it could think, it should think. If it could feel, it should feel.” Niska’s (Emily...
Highlight on New Movie Released DVD When “Humans” returned to AMC last week, a slowly acclimating Niska (Emily Berrington) was finally driven to distribute a new...
While interviewing the cast, writers and scientists involved in making Nat Geo’s docu-series, “Mars,” we felt the need to ask everyone the following question: Given the...
This year Disney will release Pixar’s The Good Dinosaur, which imagines a world where dinosaurs are the most civilized species on Earth. But one movie about...
Review in a Hurry: Cross-breeding pet antics from Ace Ventura with an absent-dad storyline from Liar Liar, this Jim Carrey and flippered-friends flick waddles unevenly through...