A college student who was critically injured in a stunt on a live German TV show earlier this month, prompting Justin Bieber to abandon a concert...
Justin Timberlake’s blossoming acting career is starting to “rock his body” – – literally. The Grammy/Emmy winner, who’s receiving rave reviews and Oscar buzz for his...
Michael Lohan sustained minor injuries in an attack outside his Santa Monica parking lot on Thursday night. The father of actress Lindsay Lohan, 50, was approached...
Actress Juliette Lewis will spend the next several days “resting at home” after a chauffeured Lincoln Town Car the actress had been traveling in was “broadsided...
The family of a woman who suffered a severe brain injury in a freak accident on the Indiana set of the new Transformers movie is suing...
Hawaii Five-O star Scott Cann injured his knee on set earlier the month, The New York Post said Wednesday.Cann tore his ACL while filming a stunt...
Actor Ryan Reynolds is recovering from injuries he suffered while filming scenes for his title role in Marvel’s The Green Lantern, Us Weekly reported Wednesday.The Proposal...
Kendry Morales hit a game-ending grand slam in the 10th inning, but twisted his ankle celebrating at home plate and got carted off the field after...