The DC Extended Universe goes through some ups and downs regarding buzz on two of its most anticipated movies, while Wolverine has a miserable time in...
Two films that were noticeably absent during this year’s Super Bowl TV spots were November’s Justice League and June’s Wonder Woman, the next two DC-centric superhero...
Here are a bunch of little bites to satisfy your hunger for movie culture: Reworked Movie Still of the Day: MessyPandas animated and scored that new Justice...
Every summer sees Hollywood unleashing its biggest franchises. There’s something unique about 2017’s crop of movies, though: the biggest are all either remakes or sequels. USA...
Justice League: Months ago, Jesse Eisenberg hinted that he might return as Lex Luthor in Zack Snyder’s Justice League and now his casting has been officially...
Here is how this busted system works: it convinces you that you are the broken piece, and that the pieces that could support you until you’re...
Next year we’ll see Batman and Wonder Woman travel all over the world to recruit The Flash, Aquaman and Cyborg in Justice League. But if Zack Snyder...
2016 has been a strange, strange year all around. As far as movies go, though, one of the most unpredictable moments of the year came when...
Justice League is going to have a lot of characters in it. That just goes with the territory when it comes to superhero movies these days....
Production on next year’s Justice League has wrapped in the UK, and to celebrate — as well as tap into this weekend’s New York Comic-Con, we...