Amazon Studios has acquired the rights to develop a script package deal for an motion comedy referred to as “Shelly” that may star Awkwafina and Karen...
STXfilms has acquired the North American rights to “Gunpowder Milkshake,” a female-fronted motion movie starring Karen Gillan as one half of a mother-daughter murderer group, the...
She is presently overseeing Ron Howard’s “Hillbilly Elegy” for Netflix Imagine Entertainment has promoted Karen Lunder to president of Imagine Features, the corporate’s chairmen Brian Grazer...
With anticipation for ‘The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo’ running at fevered levels — per a recent survey, the adaptation of Steig Larsson’s international bestseller trails...
Doctor Who fans have a special place in their heart for the companions of the titular time traveler — as was demonstrated this week by the...
Despite the fact that the so-awaited new series of Doctor Who will be aired only after April 3, Karen Gillan and Matt Smith were seen at...