There’s an attention-grabbing thought for a film in “Fatman,” which seeks to spin a bleak and wintry hitman story right into a deadpan darkish Christmas comedy...
Time travel: It’s a subgenre that has proven it’s got some TV staying power. And while NBC’s “Timeless” is the most recent genre fare to hit...
[planted fulfilled] In what is possibly the most visually stunning video of the summer, a Youtuber and video editor named Lindsay McCutcheon has created a Disney mashup...
29 trailers in total: 127 Hours Battle: Los Angeles Cowboys and Aliens Drive Angry Faster Green Lantern Gulliver’s Travels Harry Potter 7 (Part 1) Hereafter I...
If you woke up this morning with a desperate need to watch a video that somehow combined the tremendous amount of awesomeness found in both Transformers: Dark...
An interesting debate is brewing on the blogosphere. If you thought Lady Gaga’s current charttopper, “Alejandro,” sounded familiar, your ears might just be onto something.In what...