Sometimes issues aren’t at all times what they appear: “The Starling,” for instance, is an impressively-credited drama that premiered on the prestigious Toronto Film Festival on...
In a video posted Thursday evening, Melissa McCarthy apologized to followers for a donation given to an evangelical group with a historical past of anti-LGBT and...
On paper, Warner Bros./New Line’s “The Kitchen” appeared to have rather a lot going for it, particularly with field workplace attracts Melissa McCarthy and Tiffany Haddish...
Getty Image It’s been awhile since we heard about Disney’s live-action remake of The Little Mermaid, the 1989 basic that gave Disney’s animated characteristic wing a...
Getty Images/Walt Disney Pictures Melissa McCarthy is in talks to play the villain Ursula in Disney’s live-action remake of “The Little Mermaid,” a person with information...
Tiffany Haddish, Melissa McCarthy and Elisabeth Moss are married to the mob and fall into harmful territory once they resolve to take issues into their very...
It took surviving an abusive ex to make Jenny McCarthy learn how to love herself. Speaking at a product launch for hair product brand Schwarzkopf Gliss’ “Beautiful by Choice” campaign Tuesday,...
Christopher Robin: Tom McCarthy, who won an Academy Award for cowriting Spotlight (above), will write a new draft of the screenplay for Disney’s Christopher Robin. The...
The ’80s reboot-recasting movie news continues today, and while Chris Pratt as Indiana Jones is heavily just a rumor for now, the all-female Ghostbusters lineup has...
Christopher Polk/Getty Images for Comedy Central Did James Franco take a Southern Gothic literature class during his last higher learning go-around? The polymath debuted an adaptation...